A swirl of various colors of energy around the shadow of a person representing someone working with energy protection basics.

Energy Protection Basics

A student developing psychic abilities is strongly advised to understand the basics of psychic self defense and energy protection. This understanding will save the student time and energy in dealing with both otherworldly creatures and physical world energy vampires. A psychic development student can search through every known book, magazine article, and website. Eventually they […]

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How to Break Old Attachments

How to Break Old Attachments

Before learning how to break old attachments you first need to understand the nature of attachments. People form attachments to each other instinctively. They occur naturally regardless of if we want them to. Of course, not every attachment is negative. Sometimes an attachment can benefit a person, acting as a source of positive inspiration and […]

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Are You Psychic?

Are You Psychic?

A common question I typically hear from my clients and beginning students is “Am I psychic?” The answer has and will always be the same. This blog post takes a look at the question: “Are You Psychic?” I firmly believe that EVERY person who is born into this physical world has strong intuitive and psychic […]

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