This old tarot card of the Fool is a good symbol for the tarot keyword list for the major arcana cards.

Tarot Keyword List of the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana for Tarot Beginners

When you’re just starting to learn tarot, one popular method is to use the tarot keyword list. Although it’s not the best approach, it can help you get started. The keyword method involves memorizing specific words associated with each card and then using those meanings in your readings.

In this post, we’ll cover the most common keywords for the Major Arcana cards. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that tell the story of the Fool’s journey, which represents the soul’s path through life. Furthermore, these cards are numbered with Roman numerals and contain rich symbolism.

Understanding the Significance of the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana cards represent the most significant life events from a spiritual perspective. These events not only change our lives but also shape our personalities and character.

If most of the cards in a reading are from the Major Arcana, it often means the person feels they have little control over their life. In these cases, the Universe is guiding the events. Nevertheless, we can still choose how we react and feel, even though the events themselves are usually beyond our control. Essentially, these are the major life lessons we’re meant to learn in this lifetime.

Reading with Only the Major Arcana Tarot Keyword List

You can do an effective reading using only the Major Arcana cards, although it will be more limited. By learning one keyword for each card’s upright and reversed positions, you’ll have the tools for a basic tarot session.

When reading with just the Major Arcana, stick to short spreads like one, two, or three cards, or focus on yes/no questions. Doing so will help you make the most of the limited information provided by the Major Arcana alone.

How to Learn the Major Arcana with the Tarot Keyword List

To create tarot flashcards, get some note cards and glue each Major Arcana card to the front of a card. On the back, write the keywords for the card’s upright and reversed positions. Repeat this process for all 22 Major Arcana cards.

Use these flashcards to memorize the keywords through repetition. While not the ideal learning method, it’s a quick way to get started, especially if you have a good memory. Moreover, this hands-on approach can help you form a stronger connection with the cards.

Major Arcana Keywords: Fool to Chariot

Fool: New beginnings, correct decisions
Reversed Fool: Delayed beginnings, wrong decision

Magician: Creativity, a young man, sexuality
Magician Reversed: Blocked creativity, manipulative young man, sexual issues

High Priestess: Secrets, a good woman
High Priestess Reversed: Secrets against you, a bad woman

Empress: Mother figure, abundance, pregnancy or adoption
Empress Reversed: Mother issues, poverty, pregnancy or adoption problems

Emperor: Father figure, control
Emperor Reversed: Authority issues, lack of control

Hierophant: Teaching, tradition, marriage, ceremony
Hierophant Reversed: Unusual teachings, nontraditional, delayed celebration

Lovers: Right choice, true love
Lover Reversed: Wrong choice, false love

Chariot: Car trip, helpful person in uniform, control
Chariot Reversed: Delayed trip, car problems, corrupt person in uniform, no control

Major Arcana Keywords: Strength to Temperance

Strength: Good self-esteem, strong female friend
Strength Reversed: Low self-esteem, untrustworthy female friend

Hermit: Learned lesson, a teacher, school, knowledge
Hermit Reversed: Unlearned lesson, a bad teacher, lack of knowledge

Wheel of Fortune: Things going as planned, randomness
Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Slow progress, randomness

Justice: Fairness, legal issue improving, balance
Justice Reversed: Unfairness, imbalance, worsening legal issue

Hanged Man: Spiritual insight, seeing all sides, wait to act
Hanged Man Reversed: Lack of spirituality, one-sided view, need to act

Death: Changes
Death Reversed: Changes complete

Temperance: Balance, healing, good health, improving health
Temperance Reversed: Imbalance, illness, worsening health

Major Arcana Keywords: Devil to World

Devil: Bondage, black magic, temptation
Devil Reversed: Freedom, resisting temptation, white magic

Tower: Significant loss, destruction, things falling apart
Tower Reversed: Losses over, rebuilding after destruction

Star: Achieving goals, giving and receiving love, success
Star Reversed: Depression, major loss, lack of ambition

Moon: Intense emotions, psychic awareness, initiation, a woman
Moon Reversed: Emotional problems, issues with women, hormonal imbalance

Sun: Marriage or reunion, birth, great joy
Sun Reversed: Divorce or separation, negative attitude, delayed birth

Judgment: Accurate judgment, rebirth
Judgment Reversed: Inaccurate judgment, stagnation

World: No obstacles, major trip or move, many opportunities
World Reversed: Some obstacles remain, delayed trip or move, limited options

Tips for Practicing with the Major Arcana Tarot Keyword List

As a beginner, remember to practice, practice, practice! Each time you use your tarot cards, you’ll learn something new. Indeed, consistency is key when it comes to developing your tarot reading skills.

Don’t be afraid to use cheat sheets or have card meanings nearby when you’re starting out. Most people who let you practice on them will understand. It’s better to refer to a cheat sheet and learn the right meanings than to memorize the wrong ones.

When you’re learning, focus on one source at a time rather than trying to learn from many sources at once, which can be confusing. As you do more readings, you’ll naturally develop your own interpretations of the cards based on your experiences and intuition.

Note: If you enjoyed this article you might also what to check out the tarot keyword list for the minor arcana.

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