Can a Psychic Predict Death?

Can a Psychic Predict Death?

When I think about the question “can a psychic predict death” it reminds me of an article that I read in 2014.

I was reading about how science had discovered a new way to predict death. Apparently, there is a blood test that can basically tell your doctor if there is a likelihood of you dying within the next five years.

I’m not sure how much I would put my faith in this. Personally, I feel it’s more likely the test tells if there will be significant health problems in the next five years. Regardless, it’s a topic that’s making a lot of news right now.

I have many people who have asked – and likely in the future will continue to ask – “Can you predict death?”

This is a question which, unfortunately, focuses around a complicated topic. One that requires a little bit of discussion as opposed to a straightforward answer. Still, I know some people just like the straightforward, so that will be addressed first.

The Straightforward Answer About Predicting Death

Can a psychic predict death? The answer is, well, maybe. Sometimes. Not usually.

What Makes The Can a Psychic Predict Death Question so Complicated?

Free will.

Many people die when they are ready.

There are, of course, exceptions to this. Still, many pass away when they are ready. Usually close to their birthday as that is attuned to the natural cycle of their energy. This is only true provided the death is natural. Which for most people, at least in the United States, is very rare.

Free will can do marvelous things. It can spur a person into living longer and it can take an otherwise healthy person and bring them to a point of total sickness, even terminal illness, in a short period of time.

The only person that truly knows when a person is going to go is the one above. I don’t care if you call that energy God, the Holy Guardian Angel, The Universal Consciousness, or something else altogether different. It is the only power that can truly know when a person is going to die.

Can a Psychic Predict Death? I have….

Still, there have been at least three occasions in my own sessions where I have predicted death.

In one case, I had no idea that’s what I was doing. In the others, I knew and the time frames were very close to what was predicted.

The Session with the Gun Symbol

The first involved a very good client of mine that use to see me often.

He came in one day. I did his session for him. He didn’t seem like himself.

This was very early in my career mind you.

Toward the end of the session, I mentioned that I saw a gun. I described the gun in some detail to him. Asked if he knew anything about it.

His response was no.

We finished the session. He went on his way.

About a month went by and I heard nothing from him. I didn’t think anything about it.

One day, a few months later, a mutual friend of ours came to see me. He asked if we could talk in private. Of course, I obliged.

It was then that he revealed to me that my client had killed himself about two weeks after our session. The gun he used to shoot himself matched the description of the gun I had given.

The mutual friend had found the tape that was made of our session and had listened to it. He realized the reason I got the impressions of the gun. I was trying to be warned of a future suicide attempt. I, of course, had no idea.

Lesson learned. From that point forward I started asking people if they were suicidal – if I expected at all. I also ask if I ever see a gun symbol by virtue of clairvoyance.

I encourage people and students to never be afraid to ask someone this important and blunt question. “Have you’ve been thinking about killing yourself?” That’s not what this article is about, however.

The Mistake of Keeping Information to Myself

Also, very early in my career, I was doing a tarot session for a friend of mine.

In this tarot session a particular configuration showed up. It was the Three of Swords and Ten of Swords. I knew, even back then, that this can represent a heart attack. Back then I was under the belief that what a person doesn’t know can’t hurt them. These cards was showing up in roughly the six-month position.

I did the rest of the session which was very positive. We left each other on good terms that day.

A good year goes by and I don’t hear anything from this particular friend. When I finally do hear from him I discover about six months after he had last seen me, his father died of a heart attack.

To this day I still wonder if that could have been prevented if I had shared the information with him. He, incidentally, to this day, still doesn’t know what I had seen that the day. I doubt at this point I will ever tell him.

Since discovering that, I have never held anything back when doing a session.

Likewise, I strongly encourage my students that when someone asks for a session always honestly give them the information you have available to give. You never know if it may be important or not. It’s better to be honest as opposed to holding something back that may be useful later.

Of course, I also help students to learn that there is a right and wrong way to give information too. We talk about the psychology of readings and how what is said can impact clients. Ethics must always be kept in mind.

The Understanding That You Can’t Prevent Everything

Just as I’ve learned the importance of asking certain question and not being afraid to reveal information, I’ve also learned that sometimes, no matter how much we know, there are just some things in life that are going to happen that we can’t prevent.

That doesn’t mean we can’t be aware of what may be coming and preparing ourselves for dealing with and handling it, but it does mean that we shouldn’t blame ourselves when things happen beyond our control.

I had another client I read a few year backs and the same heart attack symbol came up.

I indicated to her that it looked like she may need to get a checkup with her doctor ASAP. I mentioned that previously when I had seen this combination in the cards it indicated a heart attack. I further indicated it was showing up in the very near future, maybe 10-14 days from the time of our session.

She laughed and told me she was healthier than anyone she knew.

I shrugged and figured she knew better than I.

Her son talked to me later and told me his mother had a heart attack about a week after our session. Thankfully she managed to live.

She swears up and down it was because of her reading that she had the sense to realize exactly what was happening and call for help. I’m not so sure of that, but regardless, at least that story had a happier ending.

Astrology and Death

I’ve been discussing can a psychic predict death from a tarot and channeling perspective, but almost every metaphysical discipline has their own rules and methodology for calculating or predicting death.

For example, in astrology, it is well known that you can’t read a person’s death in their own chart, but by exploring the chart of the people that know them, you can see patterns that could indicate potential death. I.E. If you want to know when mom might be passing you would examine her husband’s, children’s, and any living parent’s charts and look for patterns that may indicate a significant loss. If you have enough correlation……

There is a special type of astrology reading that to my knowledge only one person does and it is called an After Life Astrology Reading. This chart uses a person’s time and date of death to both counsel people grieving the person as well as identify factors leading up to the death and what’s going on in the afterlife now that they have crossed over.

Can a Psychic Predict Death?

The bottom line: Yes death can be predicted, but it’s very rare.

A psychic is far more likely to get information regarding the illness or hospital visit than the impressions or timing or actual death. Even then, the other person’s free will can play a huge part in when they transition from this world.

Likewise, the one above is the only one that holds any true knowledge of when a person’s time in the physical world will end. As much as people wish they had a direct line to that omniscient power, it simply doesn’t exist. It never will.

It’s also far more common for people to experience events after a person has passed as opposed to picking up on when a person is going to pass away.

I’ve heard many stories from students who were awakened in the middle of the night and just knew that someone significant in their life had transitioned. Some swear they dreamed about it. Others tell me they had a vision, Still, some claim to have even encountered the spirit itself. All possible.

Again, I’m not saying there aren’t times when people can feel or know death is coming, it’s just not the norm.

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